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How a Retired Lawyer and Grandfather of Three does the Colson Fellows program

How a Retired Lawyer and Grandfather of Three does the Colson Fellows program

Welcome to the Pursuit, a series documenting the experiences of a Colson Fellow-in-Training as they seek to walk wisely in this time and place. Each segment will provide an insider’s look at what a prospective participant can actually expect should they choose to embark on the journey themselves.

In this segment, we sat down with Hoyt Samples, a retired lawyer from Chattanooga, Tennessee and asked him to share his experience with the Colson Fellows program. The Colson Fellows program is designed for busy men and women from all walks of life in mind. Here's a glimpse inside. Enjoy!

The Pursuit: Hoyt Samples

How a Retired Lawyer and Grandfather of Three Does the Colson Fellows Program
As told to the Colson Center Communications Staff

Where are you from? I’m from Chattanooga, Tennessee. 

What is your occupation? I was a lawyer for 43 years. My wife, who did the program with me, is also a retired attorney. 

What season of life are you in? I retired two years ago. I’m a husband, a father of two adult children, and a grandfather of three grandchildren. 

When did you become a follower of Christ? I was raised in church and always wanted to do well in Bible classes when I was young. I even won the Bible award in seventh grade. But in eighth grade, my friend clearly explained the Gospel to me. I realized that Christianity wasn’t simply Bible knowledge. I professed faith in Jesus and got baptized! I’ve been heavily involved in church ever since then. 

What led to your interest in the Colson Fellows program? I’m a longtime admirer of Chuck Colson’s work and read all of his books years ago. I always sensed there was something different about Colson’s faith that drew me in. When I learned about the Colson Fellows program, I appreciated how it honestly tackled deeper questions, like “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?” I applied for the program when the local cohorts began. 

What Colson Fellows cohort are you in? I participated in the Chattanooga cohort, led by Bob Andrews.

How many CFITs are in your class? There were about six people in my cohort. 

How did you approach the workload for the Colson Fellows program? It required strict organization and discipline. But since I enjoyed the content, I didn’t see it as a burden.  

What was your favorite book or topic to study? Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus was my favorite book. I concentrated on it for my teaching practicum during the program and have taught the book many times since.  

Most challenging moment? The first day was the most challenging for me, because the starting content seemed overly simplistic. I tried to quit, but Bill Brown [Dean Emeritus of the Colson Fellows] convinced me to stick it out for at least two weeks. I'm so glad he did!

Where has the Colson Fellows program most impacted you? What transformation did it bring about in your life? It gave me the tools to talk to and work with people I previously would have been uncomfortable talking to—like homeless people and single moms. It also gave me deeper confidence in my faith and enabled me to live in the world but not be afraid of the world.  

What did you do for your personal mission plan as a commissioned Colson Fellow? I wanted to reach out to the pro-life community and help them organize themselves to reach younger people. I was burdened by the need to teach children from young ages about the sanctity of life. I now serve on the board of the National Memorial for the Unborn. Since being commissioned in 2019, I’ve also launched a Church Affiliate program that I lead at my local church. 

What would you say to someone considering the program? I would encourage potential applicants to take specific time to pray about whether God is leading them into the program. It requires a commitment to serious learning and application. 


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