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How a Wife and Grandma Does the Colson Fellows Program While Being a Caretaker

How a Wife and Grandma Does the Colson Fellows Program While Being a Caretaker

Welcome to the Pursuit, a series documenting the experiences of a Colson Fellow-in-Training as they seek to walk wisely in this time and place. Each segment will provide an insider’s look at what a prospective participant can actually expect should they choose to embark on the journey themselves.

In this segment, we sat down with Patricia Green, a wife and grandmother who volunteers as a chaplain for incarcerated women between caring for her disabled veteran husband, and asked her to share her experience with the Colson Fellows program. The Colson Fellows program is designed for busy men and women from all walks of life in mind. Here's a glimpse inside. Enjoy!

The Pursuit: Patricia Green

How a Wife and Grandma Does the Colson Fellows Program While Being a Caretaker and Facing a Cancer Diagnosis

As told to the Colson Center Communications Staff

Welcome to the Pursuit, a series documenting the experiences of a Colson Fellow-in-Training as they seek to walk wisely in this time and place. Each segment will provide an insider’s look at what a prospective participant can actually expect should they choose to embark on the journey themselves. 

Where are you from? Cheyenne, Wyoming. 

What is your occupation? I’m a caretaker to my husband, who is a disabled vet. I used to work for various nonprofits focused on women’s ministry in prison, including serving as a volunteer chaplain in a women’s facility. 

What season of life are you in? I’m in my retirement years, married, and a grandma. 

When did you become a follower of Christ? I was saved at a young age (6 or 7) but had a very sordid past of drugs and alcohol, including an attempted suicide. I am also a convicted felon due to my past with drugs.  

What Colson Fellows cohort are you in? I was a part of the online Mountain Cohort. Steve Hunter was my Cohort Leader.  

What was weekly workload like for the Colson Fellows program? I was taking care of my husband at the time, so I didn't always keep up, and then I found out that I had a recurrence of breast cancer. As a result, I finished late, almost at the deadline in August, but I was thankful that Steve continued to encourage me to get my work done.  

What was your favorite book or topic to study? So many of the books were amazing. I loved Why You Think the Way You Do by Glenn Sunshine, Strange New World (Carl Trueman), and Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus (Nabeel Qureshi) the most if I had to pick. There were so many great ones. They are all filled with highlights and notes. I like it because they are reminders that are physically there for me to look back on.  

Most challenging moment? My most challenging moment was the intimidation I felt. Everyone else seemed so much smarter than me. There were attorneys, doctors, veterinarians, and they spoke so intelligently. They used big words at times and were so smart, and I am just me. But, you know, I realized that I have a place too. God put me exactly where I am, in this place at this particular time. It’s a calling and He called me here. He put this in my path for a reason and He can bring this together and use me in this world. Now, I feel like I can share my worldview with anyone, on any level, going through just about anything. 

Where has the Colson Fellows program most impacted you? What transformation did it bring about in your life? The videos that I used in my teaching practicum are so impactful. I taught using some videos within my small group. When I teach in a prison ministry setting, most of the people are strangers. I had a wholly different experience using the videos with people that intimately know me. We had different experiences in our exchanges and talking through worldview in my church setting. The discussion around it was fascinating.  

What did you do for your personal mission plan as a commissioned Colson Fellow? I would love to get involved more deeply again in prison ministry, particularly women’s ministry. I want to speak deeply to them on a meaningful level. I want them to know that they shouldn’t give up, that they can have success in prison. 

What would you say to someone considering the program? Any advice? There are so many applications. Slow down and remember that God loves you exactly where you are, and He uses all of us in our own ways. You don’t have to change a thing, just listen to His calling. 


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