Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the program?
In 2025, the program will begin on August 1 and conclude with the Fellows commissioning at the Colson Center National Conference in May 2026.
When is the application deadline?
Applications are due by July 15th for the Program that begins on August 1, 2025. However, we encourage you to apply early in order to have ample time to enroll!
What is the estimated weekly time commitment required by the program?
Most graduates of the program say that it takes about 10 – 12 hours per week, depending largely on your reading speed. Here is an overview:
Reading: average a little over one book plus per month
Daily: read and comment on the daily 4-minute Breakpoint received by radio, podcast or email. Complete a devotional Bible study (Monday thru Friday)
Monthly: one, sometimes two, one-hour webinars with authors and leadersMost have found they re-purpose their current devotional time and a portion of their leisure time to accommodate the program. But don’t forget, this is not intended to be a hobby, but a re-engineering of thinking and focus on life, faith and culture. There are no short-cuts to anywhere worth going!
I work full time. Can I still be involved?
Most of the Fellows candidates do work full-time. It is up to you to determine if you can fulfill the requirements. Graduates of the program are available to answer any questions you have. Just let us know and we will connect you.
What is the minimum age requirement?
This is a Program for adults that involves monthly interaction and discussion with fellow learners. For the sake of our other participants and the quality of discourse we require that participants be at least 21 years of age as of the August 1st starting date.
Can you share more info about what the teaching practicum and Person Mission Plan entail?
The teaching practicum and Personal Mission Plan arise from Chuck Colson’s concern that the Fellows Program not merely be an “input” operation. The goal is to equip you to put into practice what you learn. The teaching practicum allows Colson Fellows to teach worldview and cultural concepts from the curriculum to others. You can lead these in a Sunday school setting, as a home study, or any other setting you arrange.
How much does the program cost?
The Colson Center works hard to provide the resources to make the Colson Fellows Program available. The tuition cost for each student is $900*. (Please contact us for international tuition rates.) If you are participating with a Church Affliate, please contact your Church Affiliate Director for tuition cost. Additional expenses include books and materials (around $200) as well as optional costs for attending the Colson Center National Conference. We highly encourage attendance at the Colson Center National Conference, which includes the Colson Fellows national commissioning. Learn more by clicking “Program Overview” below.
*Limited scholarships are available as well as a 4-month payment plan which you can select in the enrollment process. Please e-mail for more information.
If I withdraw can I get a refund?
If you are participating with a Church Affiliate, please contact your Church Affiliate Director for their withdrawal policy. The below timeline is only for Regional and Online Cohort participants.
75% of all tuition paid will be refunded if the participant withdraws by August 31st.
50% of all tuition paid will be refunded if the participant withdraws by September 30th.
Scholarships are only valid for the academic year for which they are awarded.
Participants who withdraw can re-apply.
All participants who withdraw will be required to pay the full tuition for the subsequent year.
Participants who withdraw will not be eligible to participate in the Colson Fellowship, including monthly sessions, webinars, forums, and/or access the Learning Platform.
Participants have until August 31st to complete the program.
What denomination or theological persuasion does the Colson Center follow?
The Colson Center is not a church or school. The Colson Fellows Program attracts students from across the spectrum of Christ-centered people. The statement of faith of the Center provides a solid foundation to draw followers of Christ together, not to divide. The goal is to equip believers to make a significant impact through their Christ-centered service.
The Colson Center for Christian Worldview Statement of Faith
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative Word. It is without error in all its teachings, including creation, history, its own origins, morality, and salvation. Christians must submit to its divine authority, both individually and corporately, in all matters of belief and conduct, which is demonstrated by true righteous living.
We believe in one God, Creator and Lord of the Universe, the co-eternal Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary death on the cross, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where, as truly God and truly man, He is the only mediator between God and man.
We believe God has created each human being, embodied as a male or a female, in His image, and that this gives sanctity to all human life from conception to natural death and moral significance to our conduct of our bodies.
We uphold the institution of marriage as the exclusive union of one man and one woman and as the sole relationship designed by God for sexual intimacy, as delineated in the Bible, which teaches that marriage is rooted in creation and points to the union of Christ and His Church.
We believe that all people are lost sinners and cannot see the Kingdom of God except through the new birth. Justification is by grace through faith in Christ alone.
We believe in the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit for the individual’s new birth and growth to maturity, and for the Church’s constant renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, power, and mission.
We believe in one holy, universal, and apostolic church. Christians are called to gather as the church to worship God and witness concerning Jesus Christ, the Head of the church, preaching the gospel among all nations, demonstrating compassionate service to the needs of human beings, and promoting righteousness and justice.
We believe that Jesus Christ will personally and visibly return in glory to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to completion. God will fully manifest His kingdom when He establishes a new heaven and new earth, in which He will be glorified forever, and exclude all evil, suffering, and death.
Is the Colson Fellows Program eligible for college or postgraduate credit?
Yes and no. Premier institutions such as Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary recognize the value and rigor of the Colson Fellows Program and each offer six credit hours for completing the Colson Fellows Program. Read more about our Seminary Partners here. If you are considering seminary training at a seminary that does not currently recognize the Colson Fellows Program, contact us and we can provide your institution with materials for potential credentialing.
There are currently no under-graduate credits available for completing the Colson Fellows Program.